Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission


The Afghanistan Youth Empowerment and Peace-building Organization (AYEPO) established in January 2019, is an Afghan youth-led non-profit organization that promotes youth empowerment and peace-building. AYEPO empowers Afghan youth through capacity development programs in leadership, conflict transformation and peace-building. AYEPO is committed to support the young generation by providing dynamic platforms and opportunities for them to develop the knowledge, skills and vision to become agents of change in their communities.


AYEPO envisions a peaceful Afghan society in which youth as peace ambassadors are driving positive change within their communities. AYEPO empowers youth to: contribute to peace-building initiatives, demonstrate respect for fundamental freedoms and rights, and improve social conditions in their respective communities. AYEPO will support youth by providing opportunities to learn, work and participate in peace processes to create a peaceful Afghanistan. 


Transforming and empowering the lives of the Afghan youth toward achieving their full intellectual, social and spiritual potential as responsible citizens through mentoring programs in peace-building activities, leadership skills and conflict management skills.

Key Objectives

  • Create dynamic platforms that facilitate growth and development of the young generation
  • Provide mentoring and educational activities focusing in the areas of leadership development and conflict management
  • Facilitate dialogues, conferences, and workshops on leadership, peace-building, conflict resolution and mediation