
1st Anniversary
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The Organization

AYEPO’s vision is to support the growth of young leaders who would build a peaceful, inclusive and just society in Afghanistan...
AYEPO as a Peace building and Capacity building organization, seeks to contribute to building generations of Afghan men and women...
Create dynamic platforms that facilitate growth and development of the young generation.
AYEPO stands for values of inclusivity, honesty, equality, respect for diverse identities, reconciliation and relationship building as an approach to creating the ground for change.

Our Programs

Peace Building

At AYEPO, we believe that the youth have a significant role to play in leading changes and promoting peace in their communities and societies, as, they are more open to forgive, reconcile and work together. We are confident that a peaceful and meaningful life is possible in Afghanistan.

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 Capacity Building

AYEPO’s capacity building projects and activities aim to empower the young people (high school and university students) with new skills and experiences vital to excel in their studies and become conscious leaders in multicultural professional environments.

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Modus Operandi

Afghanistan is a diverse nation that is proud of its diversity. Over the years of conflict, it has been observed that the element of diversity and co-existence within its national culture has been plagued by imposed divisions, stereotypes and biases that generations remain mired in only to perpetuate cycles of conflict that does not allow creative problem solving or sustained peace to take root in Afghan soil. It is up to the youth to consciously decide to break this trend and as a youth led organization, AYEPO seeks to provide a platform for the youth to engage in skill building that would facilitate this much needed change.

AYEPO Peace Camp

AYEPO will organize a 5-day Peace Camp in Kabul by bringing together 20 youth from various parts of Afghanistan to empower them with skills and tools for personal transformation, peacebuilding and socio-cultural connectivity through a series of interventions such as leadership, conflict transformation, negotiation and interpersonal communication skills. In addition, the participants will have the opportunity to share meals & stories, listen to each other’s perspectives, interact with fellow peacebuilders, explore topics of peace and reconciliation and unite around initiatives for positive changes within their communities.


Afghanistan Youth Empowerment and Peace-building Organization (AYEPO) organized a four-day Peace Leadership Training to help equip a group of young people with skills for personal ...
We celebrated AYEPO’s Second Anniversary on 2nd January,2021 with the presence of our team and volunteers as we took a moment to reflect on where ...
AYEPO organized an extensive Peace Leadership Training for 20 high school and university students at KarAmoz Institute of Higher Education from 23 to 25 December, ...
Afghanistan Youth Empowerment and Peace-building Organization (AYEPO), in collaboration with the United Networks of Young Peace-builders (UNOY), organized an intensive training program under the theme ...
AYEPO in Collaboration of United Religious Initiative (URI), organized a one day Youth Training Program entitled “ From Personal Peace to Community Peace” on Friday, ...
The creative arts hold the power to transform communities, heal wounds, promote peace, and inspire others to be hopeful in difficult times. The competition which ...

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