Sylvia Murray – Advisor on Organizational & Program Development
Sylvia is a facilitator of, advocate for, and believer in peace leadership. For fifteen years, Sylvia has participated in and facilitated talking circles in various communities across the United States, Latin America, and Asia. From these talking circles emerged Sylvia’s commitment to and practices of nonviolent communication, community building, and conflict transformation. This commitment brought Sylvia to obtain a BA in Peace Studies from Goucher College, and continue to Southeast Asia working with nonprofits across the region focused on youth-led peacebuilding. She is a Co-Founder and Board Member of Sarus, a peacebuilding nonprofit that inspires, equips, and accompanies peace leaders in Asia. Sylvia then deepened her studies by obtaining an MA in Coexistence and Conflict and MBA in Social Impact at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, where she focused on peace leadership and organizational capacity building. Afterwards, she expanded to philanthropy as a Program Officer at the Island Foundation funding organizations supporting women and girls, youth, immigrants, and domestic and international communities. She currently serves as the Head of Programs and Strategy at the Euphrates Institute. Sylvia holds a deep passion for building and nurturing communities that collectively transform conflict and systems with curiosity, connection, and courage.