Omia Omid’s Story with AYEPO

It has been wonderful that I found myself at AYEPO as it has been an amazing place to be. The place gave me a different prospective to my life and helped me become a confident person. Knowing new friends and kind trainers was a great experience for me. I have learned so many essential skills, like Mediation, Leadership skills, effective communication, cycle of socialization and cycle of liberation and many more fruitful skills that I can benefit from in my daily life.
Through leadership and soft skills training, I have learned a lot of things that served me well when I was counselor in Youth Spring Camp. Moreover, from Cycle of Socialization and liberation I got to know how to be an open-minded girl. The mediation training showed me the means to tackle my problems as well as new ways to solve disagreements.
Now, the skills coupled with my passion and hard-work help me strive for more and achieve my goals. I am very grateful that I have been in AYEPO. Thanks to all the people who provide the platform where youth can learn new skills and experiences, improve their network and friendship with other young people.


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